Dr. Gerald

Gerald A. Higginbotham, also known as, Captain Dr. G, is the Founder and President of the Captain’s Millionaires, Inc. – a committed man of vision, on a mission to raise up one million Captain’s Millionaires. My goal is helping individuals and communities in their endeavor toward achieving and enjoying the very highest quality of life.

We spearhead the attainment of this goal through education, wealth building and financial intelligence classes, business networking, dissemination of literature, and by example. My steadfast commitment and determination to lift the standard of living in communities (starting with the individual), has birthed many successful working models of well organized teamwork for the betterment of all. I have the heart of a servant and phenomenal willingness to help whenever called upon.

Gerald Higginbotham believes achieving success or becoming very wealthy in life is not complicated. It does not require memorizing a complex formula, nor sleeping only three hours every night or standing on your head each morning. It does require taking time to learn a few simple indispensable principles and keys. To find the success you desire in life requires you to know your purpose, grow to reach your maximum potential and be willing to add value to benefit others. Purpose, Growth, Caring, Sharing, and Generosity… it’s just that simple.

It’s The Captain’s Formula!



Captain Dr.G has spent more than 30 years coaching students to improve their minds and lifestyles. With extensive research, he's perfected how to help students learn new wealth principles, unlearn poor financial habits, and relearn new behaviors around wealth creation. Captain Dr.G understands it takes 28 days to form a new habit, so Captains' Plus has been created with that in mind. Our monthly learning formula helps develop new behaviors and habits for students to experience sustained growth.